The Platteville United Methodist Church offers many, varied types of classes and activities to help people grow in their faith. Try one out this week!
Sunday School
Each week we have fun, love each other, and learn about Jesus. Activities, crafts, stories, and games contribute to this faith experience, as we together build a foundation of faith. Sunday School is for everyone, ages 3 – adult and will start every
Sunday at 9:45 am
Vacation Bible School

Come join us on our journey!
The confirmation program at Platteville United Methodist Church is a two-year program that meets biweekly on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:30 pm. The two-year program also provides students with an opportunity to dig deep into learning about their faith before making the commitment to become full members of the United Methodist Church. We have found that the two-program allows the students to really mesh as a group, and to develop a good working relationship with Pastor Tammy and the instructors. Weekly classes are led primarily by Pastor Tammy with assistance from Tracy Harle.
Confirmation is such a wonderful time of spiritual investigation, questioning, growing, and formation. Our goal is to make confirmation class dynamic, energetic, and offer a re-imagined look at what it means to be a Christian today. We don’t hand out answers to memorize – we uncover and discover our faith together.
Adult Small Groups
Participating in small groups, in addition to Sunday worship attendance, is an opportunity to grow deeper in your faith. Small groups allow for community to be built, and for you to walk in your faith with several other people. You are welcome to join any of the groups below. If you would like to start a group, please contact the church office.
United Methodist Women
First Monday of the month at 1:30 pm in the Wesley Room
Susan Schlager, President
All women of Platteville UMC are welcome.
Faithlink Classes
Led by Tom Lindahl, Sundays at 9:45 am in the Adult Classroom. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Each Sunday morning several members of the congregation gather for prayer and reflection on a Christian book. The main purpose is to provide a group setting for those interested in learning more about our role as Christians in the world. Call the office if you would like a book!
Thursday Afternoon Group
Led by Jan Weier, Thursdays at 1:30 pm in the Library